September 17-18, 2024, researchers of the State Institution “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, senior researcher of the Department of Environmental Geology and Thermodynamics of Geospheres, Doctor of Geological Sciences Ivan Mykhalchenko, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Material Composition of Ores and Host Rocks, Department of Mineral Raw Materials of nuclear energy, candidate of geological sciences Larisa Zaborovska and leading researcher of the department of experimental radiogeochemistry, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences Viktoriya Gubina took part in the All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Geological structure and history of the geological development of the Ukrainian shield” (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.P. Shcherbak), which took place at the Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation named after M.P. Semenenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
On September 17, 2024, senior researcher of the Department of Environmental Geology and Thermodynamics of Geospheres, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Ivan Mykhalchenko, gave a scientific report on “MONAZITE IN PHILITE-LIKE SLATE OF THE ROCKY WORLD OF THE KRYVORIZ SERIES” (co-authors – L.P. Zaborovska, V.V. Pokaliuk, Yatsenko V.G., V.G. Gubina, V.S. Zaborovskyi, Yu.O. Lytvynenko), with which the scientific conclusion about the first discovery of monazite crystals in the phyllite-like quartz-sericite shale of the Skelyuvatsk world of the Precambrian Kryvyi Rih series, which contains iron deposits, was tested – siliceous formation. Monazite is used for radiogeochronological studies to estimate the age of rock formation, respectively, the results of the study contribute to solving the problem of estimating the age of the metallogenic metamorphic factor in the formation of iron ore deposits of the Kryvorizka iron ore basin.
On September 18, 2024, senior researcher of the Department of Environmental Geology and Thermodynamics of Geospheres, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Ivan Mykhalchenko, gave a scientific report on the topic “MINERAL DEPOSITS AND MAGMATIC RAPKIVIGRANITE ASSOCIATIONS” (co-author – O.V. Zayats). In the course of the report, it was shown that anorthosite-rapakivigratin plutons of the Earth are characterized by complex apatite-Fe-Ti and Cu-Ni-Co deposits, which are associated with the formation of basite phases, and complex deposits of Li, Be, Zn, Pb, HFSE , sometimes with polymetals – with the formation of rapakivigranite associations. Attention was drawn to the fact of the presence of crystalline foundations in the geological structure of all, without exception, ore areas with U deposits of the “unconformity” type and uranium deposits in sodium metasomatites of massifs of rapakivigranite plutons. The proposition that the concentration of U and Th in the final melts and post-magmatic fluids of magmas of Rapakivigranite plutons is reconstructed based on the composition of host rocks and ores of the Pitinga deposit, the Nueltin ore show, the Strange Lake deposit, rare-metal granites of the Ruskopolyan massif, etc. It is suggested that the separation of a significant mass of fluid from an intermediate deep magmatic cell (the time of fluid separation is not important in this context) with a high concentration of U and Th could be the reason for the formation of U deposits of the “unconformity” type or deposits of uranium-bearing sodium metasomatites, or a unique complex deposit Olympic Dam. Based on the results of the study, the justification for setting up prospecting works, in particular, in the areas of the northern and southern exocontacts of the Korostensky pluton, was provided. It was also noted that the presence of direct prospecting features (ore occurrences) is the basis for conducting geological exploration work to identify Ni-Cu-Co deposits in the basic rocks of the Korostensky and Korsun-Novomyrhorod plutons. The results of the research contribute, in particular, to solving the problem of assessing the influence of the metallogenic magmatic factor in the formation of thorium-uranium and uranium deposits of the ore formation of uranium-bearing sodium metasomatites in deep fault zones, which are the basis of the uranium mineral resource base of Ukraine.
On September 18, 2024, the leading researcher of the Department of Experimental Radiogeochemistry, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Viktoria Gubina, gave a scientific report on the topic “ANTHROPOGENIC TRANSFORMATION OF THE GEOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE “SOUTH” QUARRY SECTION OF THE SAXAGAN ORE FIELD OF THE KRYVORIZ IRON ORE BASIN” (col authors VV Pokaliuk, Verkhovtsev V.G., Yatsenko V.G., Zaborovska L.P.)
For the first time, an anthropogenically transformed area of the geological environment, which was formed as a result of the long-term development of iron ore deposits, which caused a complete transformation of the geological environment within the iron ore formation belt of the Saksagan world, was analyzed and described. It is shown that new man-made geological bodies were formed – technobreccias (collapse breccias), which make up significant areas of the subsoil, with complete or significant disruption of the primary stratification of source rocks, their mixing and loosening. As a result of mixing in the composition of technobreccia collapse of all rocks, there was dispersion of the remains of rich ores, impoverishment of primary iron concentrations as a result of mixing with low-iron rockwe, the densification of source rocks with a decrease in their volumetric weight and strength, an increase in porosity and moisture capacity. These research data are necessary for the possibility of granting the status of man-made deposits to similar areas of the subsoil.