Uranium ore
It was founded in 1953 by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yakov Mykolayovych Belevtsev in the direction of ore formation and mineralogy. In the Institute, the head of the school was a member-cor. Yurii Petrovych Melnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, d.g.-m. n., professor. Among the representatives of the school, the following outstanding scientists should be noted: Dr. G.-M. n., professor A.A. Walter, d. g.-m. N. M.P. Grechishnikov, d. g.-m. N. F.I. Zhukov, d. g.-m. N. FOR. Zankevich, d. g.-m. N. V.B. Koval, d. g.-m. N. OHM. Komarov, d. g.-m. N. O.I. Strygin, d. g.-m. N. M.O. Yaroschuk Currently, this school is developing under the leadership of Dr. V.G. Verkhovtseva.
Founded in 1965 by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yakov Mykolayovych Belevtsev in the areas of: ore formation and mineralogy, economic geology. Academician was the head of the school at the Institute. NAS of Ukraine Evgeny Oleksiiovych Kulish, d.g.-m. n., professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology. Among the representatives of the school, the following outstanding scientists should be noted: d. g.-m. N. E.B. Hlevaskyi, d. g.-m. N. O.O. Gojzhevskyi, d. g.-m. N. B.I. Horoshnikov, d. g.-m. n., professor G.I. Kalyaev, d. g.-m. n., professor I.L. Komov, d. g.-m. N. Yu.M. Koptyukh, d. g.-m. N. V.V. Naumenko, d. g.-m. n., professor V.I. Skarzhynskyi, d. g.-m. n., professor G.V. Tokhtuev, d. g.-m. n., professor V.O. Shumlyanskyi, d. g.-m. n., professor I.P. Shcherban I.P., Doctor of Geol. N. V.G. Verkhovtsev, Doctor of Geol. N. V.V. Pokaliuk, Doctor of Geol. N. I.I. Mikhalchenko.
Geochemistry of the environment
It was founded by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Emlen Volodymyrovych Sobotovych in 1986. It covers such areas of scientific and technical activity as geochemistry, radiogeochemistry, cosmochemistry, environmental safety, scientific support of the nuclear fuel cycle. Among the representatives of the school, the following prominent scientists should be noted: Belevtsev R.Ya., d.g.-m. n., professor, member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine and the prize named after V.I. Vernadskyi; G.V. Lysychenko, Ph.D., member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology; G.M. Bondarenko, d.g.-m. n., professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology; Bukharev V.P., d. g.-m. N.; Horlytskyi B.O., d.g.-m. N.; Shabalin B.G., Doctor of Geol. n., Dolin V.V., doctor of science, prof.
Founded at the beginning of the 20th century. Academician V. I. Vernadsky and renewed in Ukraine in 2004 by Doctor of Geol. Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology Viktor Volodymyrovych Dolin, who at that time headed the department of biogeochemistry at the Institute. The department consisted of 10 to 17 people, including 3 doctors of science and 5 candidates of science. V.V. 2 doctors of science and 4 candidates of science were trained by Dolinim. Scientists of the School of Geol. N. O.V. Pushkarev, Ph.D. T.V. Magliovana, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Candidate of Science O.O. Orlov, Ph.D. I.M. Sevruk, Ph.D. V.M. Smirnov are developing a number of scientific directions: geochemistry of floral and faunal complexes; geochemistry of natural organic compounds; geochemistry of man-made organic compounds and petroleum products; geochemistry of natural and man-made isotopes; ecological safety of technogenesis.
Technogenic and ecological safety of potentially dangerous objects
It was founded by the former director of IGNS of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Heorhiy Vitaliyovych Lysychenko, in the areas of: complex environmental monitoring of the territories of potentially dangerous objects; mathematical modeling, forecasting and assessment of the impact on the environment and population from man-made objects.
Nuclear-physical technologies and systems
Nuclear-physical technologies and systems in the areas of: complex monitoring and scientific-technological foundations of radiation and technogenic-ecological safety; technologies for cleaning liquid RAW and technologically polluted liquids.
This scientific school was founded by Yuri Leonidovich Zabulonov, the current director of IGNS of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.
Nuclear and geochemical
It was founded by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Emlen Volodymyrovych Sobotovych in 1969, when he headed the Department of Nuclear Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry as part of the Institute of Geochemistry and Mineral Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and managed it until 2013. It covers such areas of scientific and technical activity as radiogeology, isotope cosmochemistry , nuclear chemistry, radiogeochemistry, isotope metabolism in biosystems, radioecological problems of nuclear energy. Some directions have now formed as separate scientific schools. Among the representatives of the school, the following prominent scientists should be noted: Semenenko V.P., d.g.-m. n., chl.-cor. NAS of Ukraine, professor; G.M. Bondarenko, d.g.-m. n., professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology; Dolin V.V., Doctor of Geol. n., professor. laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology; Yu.O. Olkhovyk, Ph.D.; Shabalin B.G., Doctor of Geol. n.